
You’ll never enjoy your life,
living inside the box
You’re so afraid of taking chances,
how you gonna reach the top?

– Greyson Chance, Waiting Outside the Lines

Now, this is the kind of song which deserves high ratings. Nothing about love but all about life. 🙂

I lost myself.


It was another one.

I broke down. I thought I got it under control. I was wrong.

I lost myself.

I no longer am that girl.

Usually people wouldn’t know that they changed, but sadly for my case, I know I changed.


Hey hey.

Greyson Chance – Waiting Outside the Lines

I love this kid. I listened to this song for more than 5 times in a row. Not intending to stop though.



Happy Birthday to you! Happy 19th. (And I just turned 18. Sad)

So, enjoy life as a 19 year old. Live life to the fullest. Stay uhh.. the same. Cos’ you’re awesome that way. Hee.

Celebrate with kakis soon. 😀

And don’t ask where I got this photo.

Cos’ I have my ways. HAHA!

P.s. Kau tak keje malam ni cabot gigi? 😀



You know, only when I’ve turned 18 have I realised how much I don’t like celebrations. Well, excluding my birthday of course. What I mean is celebrations such as the New Year etc.

I hate it when I have this thought, ‘This is the worst new year ever.’ You can say that 1st January wasn’t awesome for me. In fact, I feel like it’s the same as any other horrible day. Why 1st January not awesome for me? I got problems see. Not the kind I share with people.

So sometimes I think about others. Like what are my relatives or friends doing when I’m crying in bed or when I start throwing things around my room. At times, although this may sound selfish, I wish someone had it much worse than me. To kind of make me feel better and think positive for just one moment. But I know fully well that I can’t find a person who has a greater problem than I do.

Well, that actually made me think a little bit more about people whom I don’t know. I saw a man being shunned by society when he was just trying to sell packets of tissue. I’m sure many have seen this situation. What I found utterly shocking was the fact that those who just ignored him with smug faces were adults. Like supposedly matured adults. I’m not saying teens are great but  at least they smiled and had their head down to show respect as they walked past.

This brings me to another topic of adults thinking that they are better and smarter than teens. No no, I don’t hate my parents. But there sure are times when teens face this similar scenario. For example, my parents claims that leaving a bleeding and raw wound to ‘get fresh air’ is good and will fasten the healing process. I retaliated saying that it was a myth. The actual reason why wounds are to be covered with bandages or gauze is because of the bacteria and foreign particles around us will DEFINITELY delay the healing process. But after all this debate, they still won’t admit defeat. Kind of frustrating. They even include this statement that got me thinking, ‘You are not a parent. So what do you know?’

Honestly, it got me stumped.

But hell yeah I’m not a parent. I just turned 18! There is this one saying (which I can’t remember) that explains old age does not mean one is more knowledgeable compared to the young. I know they have been around longer and have more experience but the question is ‘What exactly is THAT experience?’ I knew that if I opened my mouth and said all this, I wouldn’t be here creating this blog post. I would be most likely be stuck in the debate still. So as a young one, I raised the white flag and admitted defeat. Well, I just walked off really. Hah. That’s something I guess.

So you must be wondering why am I so long-winded today. Other than having the worse New Year ever, I just don’t have anything else to do and nothing else to blog about. And if you really read the entire blog, I applaud you. 🙂

Till next time. (I will try to constantly update this thing. It’s not a promise. It’s an aim.)


A scar on your skin may disappear but the painful memories will scar you for life.