
To begin, I’m not ready for 2011. But actually it doesn’t even feel like a new year for me. Not that I am (insert negative characteristics) or anything but it’s just different this year compared to previous. Maybe cos’ I’m so caught up with other things that I don’t even take notice of the date today.

Nonetheless, I have decided to update this rusty old blog. Why? I don’t know why. Stop asking me!

It’s been a month since I was away from this blog thus I’m gonna summarize my December using these few pictures. So here you go.


From getting myself a new phone to eating on a boat, December was quite a good month. And in a few hours, it will no longer be 2010. My new year resolution? Well, I think I would rather keep it under wraps. All I can say is I wanna be a better person than I am in 2010. 🙂 Also, I would like to thank all who made my 2010 awesome. May you be an old friend, a new friend, my family, a person who gave out flyers, a random man who goes around saying ‘Happy New Year’, a lady who strikes a conversation as though I’m an old friend, a cashier, a cat, a person who thinks I’m 16, tourists who asked me for directions, a Taiwanese salesperson who tried to get me to buy stuff, teenagers who randomly asked about moustaches… I could go on actually but I choose not to. 🙂


Thus, it goes to show, a year could bring back many memories; both sweet and bitter.

So Happy New Year to all! May 2011 be more awesome than 2010.

One thing I find difficult to do is to forget… I can forgive but I can never forget.

The Gifts.

Hey. 😀

The Cakes.

The Money. (Which I no longer have. Heh.)

The First.

The Photos.

The Need.

The Want.

 The Pretty Little Things.

The ‘Love’ Letters.

The First Cake.

The Chocolates. (Actually, there is another. But I ate it already)


Thank you all for wishes, the singing of birthday songs, hugs, pats, congrats, presents, cards, treats. ❤