The Ultimate Random Stuff… about me.


No, not gonna say I love chocolates or family or other expected stuff. I don’t exactly know why I decided to do this. It just came to me when I was on a bus. Weird place to get inspiration huh?

So lets begin.


  • When people do the most weirdest things. E.g. I was on the bus and it was cold. Common sense right. Then this ‘fancy’ lady sat beside me and fanned herself with her portable, ‘cool’ fan. You know those that can flip and girls in movies use it to be seductive? No? Okay. The thing is she was fanning the air towards my face in other words I had to smell her. Oh yeah, I was angry. What did I do? I exaggerated my body movement pretending to sit comfortably hence ‘accidentally’ hitting her. Although I had my headphones on, I bet she ‘tsk-ed’ me. Too bad lady!
  • When people wear sunglasses. You will never know what they are looking at.
  • When people start playing the staring game with you. It’s the I look at you first, then you look at me for a longer time. Then my right eyebrow will go up wondering what the fish you’re looking at. No, I’m not a gangsta. Just an easily annoyed Singaporean.
  • Warm fruits. Except durian though. Any warm fruits like papaya or banana makes me wanna throw up. So if I want to eat papaya, I must have it chilled. Why? I don’t know.
  • Dropping that one egg that you are about to use for Maggi. Happened to me recently. When I dropped the egg, I was jumping like some baboon. Pissed like sh*t.
  • Holding in my laughter. I don’t think it’s healthy.
  • Getting water in my ear. Cos’ I don’t know how to get it out.


  • Seeing babies smile when their parents do stupid faces.
  • Discovering new places.
  • Seeing families bonding. Especially one-to-one bonding time. Touching ya’ know.
  • Laughing at people.


  • If people can actually read minds. I think it’s cool. Wish I could ya’ know.
  • If someone like ‘The Mentalist’ exists. If he did, I bet there won’t be unsolved crimes EVER.
  • If I can be rich in future. (Please don’t think I’m self-centered or such. Cos’… You know what, I don’t care. I don’t need to explain to anyone why I wanna be rich.)
  • Why people open their mouth when being licked by a dog.


  • I could be a mascot. Being a mascot is the only way to act crazy and not be judged.
  • I had superpowers.
  • I had fairy godparents.

I’m done. This is what I can come up with so far. Updates.

I got my 501 jeans on with my hoodie on.” Omarion – Hoodie
That’s what I go to school for even though it is a real bore.” Busted – That’s What I Go To School For


Hello Muchacho!


So I’ve been neglecting my blog hence decided to do a quick update.

From the last blog entry till date, I have gone to the class chalet, collected my bro’s laptop, lepak-ed with 4/5 of the kakis (sadded), annoyed people on the bus from town to Bukit Batok (that lady sitting infront of me changed seats!), seen my brother drive a car, gotten my money back, watched Season 1 of Gokusen (I hunted high and low for the Special and I got it!). I think that’s all? Hmm, it’s been quite some time since I went to the gym. Jogging pun malas.

Now, I love tribute videos and songs and all those kind of stuff. Kinda gets to me ya’ know. Like you lost one of your dearest friends and you make a video to remember him. Similar to what Boyzone had to face when Stephen Gately left. Feel so touched to see grown man cry. Enjoy.

Here are other tribute songs which is (to me lah) awesome.

Now, don’t be sad. Hope this one would cheer you up. 🙂


3 in 1. No, not coffee.

Hello humans.

I shall present to you 3 facts today. So enjoy.

Number Uno: My mum is stubborn. Like me. Haha. But hers is the denial stubborn.

Case scenario Uno: I went to the massage centre with her. No, we’re not those fancy living people. It just so happen that there was a discount and mum tried it. So, they served us tea. Well, I thought it was. It was a ginger herbal. One sip and my face changed… Into an alien. Urrggh. Hate the taste. Then I saw my mum drinking her ‘tea’ with her pinky out. I was like ‘cheeeeeeeeeeey’. And everyone looked but who cares. When I told her I saw it, the pinky slowly moved back to where it belong. My mum would be like ‘Where got?’ But the next time she did it, I held her pinky and we were laughing so bad. Then the aunties were looking at us. Again, who cares. At least I’m having fun with my mum. ;P

Number Dous: My brother is random. And we have a love-hate relationship.

Case Scenario Dous: Everytime I’m still sleeping while my brother is awake, he will just call out my name as if I’m awake. Then he will try to scare me while I’m still in bed. So I always give the ‘what-do-you-want’ face while he slowly creep to me and we’ll just burst out laughing. That’s why it’s a love-hate relationship. Then if I’m lazy to move, he would just grab my iPod and start playing the songs and ask me to guess. Yeah, usually if my bro is at home, that’s how I wake up. With his annoying behaviour. There was once that we were doing this and 2 hours passed. Woah. That’s how ‘busy’ we are.

Number San: My mum threatens. ALOT.

Case Scenario San: If I don’t eat fruits or vegetable, my mum threatens. Last time it was the ‘I tell your father’ threat. But my bro and I grew out of it. So, being cunning and annoying like anybody else in the family, my mum used another threat. ‘If you don’t eat, no money for you.’ When my bro and I hear this, we would quickly go to the kitchen and start eating whatever my mum forced us to. It may be vitamins or weird drinks. All for the allowance. What is epic is that bro and I would debate with her and all that but we knew we couldn’t win. Since money was involve.

Okay, updates.

  • I’ve been attending ISPOM class. What is that? It’s a business class.
  • I’ve not been paying attention in ISPOM class. What is that? It’s a business class.
  • I’ve been playing Mystery Case Files games in ISPOM class. What is that? It’s a business class.
  • Chalet tomorrow.
  • Collecting Bro’s laptop with Ash on Friday. And to town after that.
  • Gym-ing next week with Ads and Ash.
  • Kakis hanging-out-together-as-one-like-finally maybe next week. (Zul! Ash! Plan eh?)

Bye bye for now.